Atlantic Montessori Charter School The first Montessori charter school in Broward County Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:23:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Atlantic Montessori Charter School 32 32 Parent Testimonials Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:11:41 +0000 La verdad es que buscar una escuela para nuestros hijos se hace una tarea un poco compleja ,pero encontrar un segundo hogar para ellos es algo que muchos pensaran es imposible pero no , eso es lo que yo e …

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La verdad es que buscar una escuela para nuestros hijos se hace una tarea un poco compleja ,pero encontrar un segundo hogar para ellos es algo que muchos pensaran es imposible pero no , eso es lo que yo e encontrado en Atlantic Montessori Charter School de Pembroke Pines un lugar de excelencia donde maestros y familia van de la mano donde cada mañana se convierte en un motivo de alegría para los niños porque siempre son recibidos con mucho cariño desde en guardia de seguridad, maestros y principalmente por Mrs Ocejo y Mr Ocejo quienes siempre está al pendiente de cada niño de cada padre cualquier inquietud cualquier dificultad lo cual nunca a sucedido pero da tranquilidad y seguridad el saber que puedes llegar directamente asta los principales quienes son los que pueden dar solución de inmediato a cualquier dificultad. Hoy me siento más que bendecida por que mi hijo asista a Atlantic Montessori Charter School y agradecida por el increíble trabajo que hacen cada día.

The truth is that finding a school for our children is a bit of a complex task, but finding a second home for them is something that many would think is impossible. However, that is exactly what I’ve found at Atlantic Montessori Charter School in Pembroke Pines – a place of excellence where teachers and families work hand in hand, and where every morning becomes a source of joy for the children as they are always greeted with warmth, from the security guard, to the teachers, and especially by Mrs. Ocejo and Mr. Ocejo, who are always attentive to each child and each parent. Any concerns or difficulties, which have never occurred, are always addressed promptly. It gives peace of mind and security knowing you can reach the principals, who are the ones able to provide immediate solutions to any issue. Today, I feel more than blessed that my child attends Atlantic Montessori Charter School and I am grateful for the incredible work they do every day.

Ivette Germán García, Student Parent – Pines Campus

Gracias a todos por permitir que mi hija asistiera a la Atlantic Montessori Charter School. Ha hecho una gran diferencia en su vida. Allure Jorge-Matthews actualmente asiste a una de las mejores escuelas de Florida y del país (A.D. Henderson FAU High School). Esto le ha permitido estar actualmente en su segundo año de universidad (estudiando Ciencias Políticas con aspiraciones de convertirse en abogada) a los 14 años, sin tener que pagar matrícula ni libros para su educación, gracias al tipo de programa que la escuela establece para sus estudiantes. Ella puede obtener su título de licenciatura a los 16 años antes de obtener su diploma de secundaria y entrar directamente a la escuela de derecho a los 17 años. Felicito el excelente trabajo que hace su escuela con sus estudiantes.

Gracias y sigan con el gran trabajo que están haciendo, marcando la diferencia en las vidas de los estudiantes.

Thank you all for allowing my daughter to attend Atlantic Monterssori Charter Atlantic Montessori Charter School. It made a difference in her life. Allure Jorge- Matthews is currently attending one of the top schools in Florida and the country (A.D. Henderson FAU high school). It has allowed her to currently be in her second year of college (Majoring in Poltical science with aspirations of becoming an attorney) at 14 years old while not having to pay for tuition nor books for her education because of the type of program the school establishes for its student. She can obtain her Bachelor’s degree from college at 16 years old before, getting a high school diploma and enter directly into law school at 17 years old. I commend the great job that your school does with your students .

Thanks and continue the great work making a difference in students’ lives.

Dr.Quintin Matthews, Student Parent – Davie Campus

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Uniforms & Backpacks /enrollment/ Mon, 06 Nov 2017 04:58:18 +0000 All student backpacks are required to be transparent.

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All student backpacks are required to be transparent.

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Florida Department of Education School Grade /contact/ /contact/#respond Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:28:32 +0000 We suggest you take a tour of the schools to meet the staff and find out more information before applying for enrollment.

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We are proud to announce that both Pines and West campus are grade A schools.

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About AMCS /about/ /about/#respond Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:27:15 +0000 Our mission is to provide quality instruction which holds a strong commitment to the Montessori Method and inspire academic excellence in an environment rich with warmth, kindness, respect; nurturing curiosity, creativity and independence.

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The post About AMCS appeared first on Atlantic Montessori Charter School.

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Enroll Today /enrollment/ /enrollment/#respond Wed, 05 Jul 2017 00:23:02 +0000 We are here to serve the children and families of our community. It is our privilege to bring to you a top quality Montessori education while infusing the Florida Standards throughout the curriculum.

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We are proud to announce that both our Pines campus and West Campus are grade A schools.

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Math is fun! Fri, 14 Apr 2017 02:18:13 +0000 Morbi nibh quam, pharetra id orci vel, congue egestas massa. Quisque eu arcu in arcu fringilla eleifend. Nullam eget elit vel odio mollis dapibus a sit amet ex. Pellentesque non quam eros.

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The post Math is fun! appeared first on Atlantic Montessori Charter School.
